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Jungle Mountain View
Services: Image

Confidence 101: Knowledge is POWER.

Services: Video

Coaching Services

  • 3 session package

    3, 60 minute sessions
    • 3, 60 minute one on one sessions
    • Text and Email support
    • resources that meet your needs
  • 10 session package

    Weekly individual 60 minute coaching sessions
    • Virtual 60 minute weekly coaching sessions.
    • A plan for accountability that fits your needs.
    • Access to coaching tips and encouragement.
    • Text or E-mail support each week.
    • Individualized resources to support your needs.
  • 5 Session package

    5 one on one 60 minute sessions
    • Virtual 60 minute coaching sessions.
    • A plan for accountability that fits your needs.
    • Access to coaching tips and encouragement.
    • Text or E-mail support each week.
    • Individualized resources to support your needs.
  • Initial Consultation

    Free 30 minute Consultation
    Valid for one week
    • Virtual 30 minute Q and A Consult
    • Discussion of your needs and how my programs can help you.
  • 1 one on one Coaching Session

    1, 60 minute one on one personal coaching session
    Valid for one month
    • The Ultimate Package-20 Sessions

      20 one on one sessions
      Valid for 9 months
      • one on one weekly zoom calls
      • copy of session notes with goals,
      • free text and email accountability support as needed
      • Evidenced based research tips and information
      • resources personalized to client's individual needs
    Services: PaidPlans
    Services: Video
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